Friday, January 27, 2017

Sarah Andersen's Big Mushy Happy Lump

There are books that appear on your radar almost coincidentally and others you cannot escape. The latter is the case with Andersen't first collection, "Adulthood is a Myth." It seemed that Litsy was filled with nothing but love for this collection and I wanted to be in on the action. Unfortunately, my search for the book was fruitless. Puerto Rico's indie bookstores have not had it in stock during my visits, airport booksellers did not have it when I travelled, and I even asked a friend to see if she could get it when she went to New Hampshire to no avail.

I heard via Litsy that this, her second collection was available to read now on NetGalley. I immediately dropped everything and searched for it, to no avail. It seemed that Sarah's Scribbles and I were not meant to be. That is until last night. After I reviewed Emily Fridlund's "History of Wolves" I went to NetGalley to share my blog post and update some information in my profile. I decided to browse the comics and graphic novel section and what did I spy? You guessed it! Big Mushy Happy Lump. I downloaded it this morning and read it in one sitting. My laughter kept waking up Septimus (#Septimus or #SeptimusCat on Litsy) but I could not contain it.

I started taking screenshot after screenshot after screenshot of the panels I wanted to share with my friends Kim and Rachel. They were so relatable. So us. I also took screenshots that I wanted to share on Litsy. When the final page was turned I had twenty screenshots. I quickly realized that if I shared 15% of the book people would feel as if they'd already read it and not buy it. That is not the idea. In fact, that is the opposite of the idea. I want everyone to buy this book.

In fact, just before writing this post I went to Amazon and got a Kindle copy of Adulthood is a Myth which I will begin reading as soon as I finish writing this. I am seriously considering preordering this for myself and my above mentioned friends. If you know and love Sarah Andersen's previous work, are a fan of Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half (if you don't know her work and want to laugh aloud, you should check it out), or enjoyed Jenny Lawson's books (I recommend the audiobook versions) you should definitely add this gem to your collection.

While I will not share all the screenshots, I leave you with this last one which accurately depicts my reality as I finish typing this. Septimus has woken up and decided that the best spot on the bed is actually on top of my keyboard.

Litsy shoutout to Janani (@theshrinkette) for letting me know this book was available, Glori (@BookishMarginalia) for organizing reading challenges and postal gift exchanges, and my friends Kim (@gibblr), Rachel (@Figgy) and Sara (@SaraIsabel) for being Littens and personal cheerleaders.

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